
Neighbourhood Champions

Initiative Outline

To the Changemakers,

The people who don’t just imagine a better future – but who go out there and make it happen. Giving up their free time to make time for others.

Neighbourhood Champions, one and all; we celebrate you and believe your dedication deserves a reward.

As the Centre of our Neighbourhoods, Hawaiian is proud to get behind our Neighbourhood Champions. But we need your help.

We’re encouraging you to nominate an organisation that’s making a big difference in your community. The winners will receive a $2,500 grant, with a $1,000 runner-up prize also available.

Applications open April 2024


Neighbourhood Champions will be assessed on the following criteria

Impact: How they address critical issues in your local area and the improve lives within your neighbourhood.

Scale: How has their work has made a tangible and positive impact on the community. Judges will look at the scale of the impact, the number of people affected, and the significance of the change brought about by your nominee’s work within the community.

Innovation: What is the level of innovation demonstrated by your nominee in addressing community challenges or needs. Do they use fresh ideas, creative approaches, and innovative solutions to contribute to the community’s progress?

Sustainability: We will evaluate your nominee’s project or initiative for its long-term sustainability. Judges will consider whether the work has the potential to create lasting change and whether there are plans in place to ensure the project’s continuation beyond the grant period.

Community Engagement: What is the level of community engagement and involvement demonstrated by your nominee? Projects that empower the community and promote inclusivity will be highly regarded.

We welcome nominations from all areas, including but not limited to education, health, environment, arts and culture, social services, and entrepreneurship.

Terms and Conditions

Register your interest

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Every Hawaiian neighbourhood shopping centre, big or small, is proud to be part of the local community.

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Neighbourhood Champions

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