Progress update: Facade cladding upgrades are nearing completion

14 Oct 2024
Artist impression of the new entry at Hawaiian's Newpark

We are excited to announce that we are nearing the completion of the entrance and façade upgrades as part of Hawaiian’s Newpark’s revitalisation project. The final phase involves the cladding of the façade, which will be rolled out in three phases:

  1. Central Entrance (Starting 14 October):
    • Fencing will be installed around key areas.
    • Some customer parking, including the ACROD bays, will be impacted.
    • Temporary ACROD bays will be set up towards the southern entrance to ensure continued accessibility for our customers.
  2. Southern Entrance (Starting 24 October):
    • Fencing will be installed in this area.
    • The two ACROD bays closest to the entrance will be temporarily impacted, however the original bays will be reinstated at this time.
  3. Northern Entrance (Starting 11 November):
    • Fencing will be installed, potentially impacting road access.
    • A traffic management plan will be implemented, with more details to follow.

We are pleased to inform you that after these phases, the majority of the disruptive works will be complete.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during the construction phase of the Centre’s refurbishment. We look forward to unveiling the new and improved Hawaiian’s Newpark!

Every Hawaiian neighbourhood shopping centre, big or small, is proud to be part of the local community.

Artist impression of the new entry at Hawaiian's Newpark

Progress update: Facade cladding upgrades are nearing completion

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