Pauly’s Won Top Critic Award 2024!
31 Jan 2025

Congratulations to our neighbours at Paulys Chicken & Ribs 

If you haven’t heard yet… their charcoal chook has been named the top dish in The West Australian’s Top Critic award of 2024!
Pauly and the team always serve the absolute best. They marinate whole free-range and halal Lilydale chickens for 24 hours before roasting them over jarrah coals, creating the most succulent & flavourful chicken with 18 different herbs & spices.
Pauly and his brother Nabil have been perfecting their craft since they were teenagers, using a family recipe from their father’s birthplace of Palestine.
What’s the secret ingredient? According to Pauly, it’s simple: “Just love what you’re doing.”
Visit your neighbours & congratulate them!